The 6th Baltic Summer School of Digital Humanities (BSSDH 2024) "Large Language Models and Small Languages" took place at Riga on July, 22-26. The summer school was supported by CLARIN ERIC.Image

Normunds Grūzītis and Artūrs Znotiņš  presenting at the workshop "Creating and Analysing Multilingually Comparable Text Corpora"

The CLARIN ERIC supported keynote of Javier de la Rosa from the the Artificial Intelligence Lab at the National Library of Norway about the large language models and artificial intelligence at the National Library of Norway. This lecture demonstrated innovative applications of AI within the context of Norway's national repository of knowledge and cultural heritage, from enhancing cataloging to improving accessibility.

At the summer school CLARIN-LV team was responsible for workshop "Creating and Analysing Multilingually Comparable Text Corpora".  During the workshop participants explored methods and pipelines for transforming an unstructured text collection into a grammatically annotated text corpus.  The workshop emphasized the use of Universal Dependencies for uniform annotations, facilitating queries and linguistic analysis across multilingual corpora, such as ParlaMint.

The Baltic Digital Humanities Forum took place on April 25-26. The Forum started with the panel discussion Shaping Tomorrow: European Research Infrastructures in Humanities and the Role of National Policies, by invited speakers from the European infrastructures and the representatives from the ministries.

Krister Lindén (chair of CLARIN National Coordinator Forum) at the panel introduced to the CLARIN and its offer and role in Digital Humanities.

Krister Lindén introduces CLARIN ERIC (Photos by Jānis Brencis)

The second day started with panel discussion "Language Technology in Higher Education: Future Directions and Collaboration", followed by two poster sessions providing an opportunity to present DH projects, showcase developed digital resources and tools, and introduce educational initiatives. Poster presentations from this day are available here

CLARIN ERIC is pleased to announce that the CLARIN Annual Conference will take place in Barcelona fromtill 17 October and calls for the submission of extended abstracts. Submission deadline: 12 April 2024.  More information on CLARIN Conference website.

The latest edition of Tour de CLARIN series introduces the Latvian B-Center. We present CLARIN-LV consortium, repository, the most popular language resources and tools. The Tour also features an interview with PhD student of the University of Latvia  Kristīna Korneliusa.   

You can see the introduction here.

You can see the interview here.

You can see the Tour de CLARIN overview here.

Digital humanities researchers, practitioners and developers in the Baltic countries are invited to participate in the Baltic DH Forum scheduled for April 25–26, 2024 in Riga!  Apply now for participation here by submitting a 200–250-word abstract in one of 3 categories – DH resource or tool, a Research Project, or an Educational initiative.

Dates: April 25–26, 2024

Location: National Library of Latvia, Riga

Participation Fee: None

Deadline for Applications: January 25, 2024

Event Website 


Facebook event


Digital humanities have become a solid part of the research landscapes in the Baltic countries. Over the recent decades, this transformation has been evident through the vibrant and enthusiastic DH communities, the emergence of new research groups and centers, and the increasing presence of digital humanities courses and programs in higher education. This marks the right time for the digital humanities communities of the three Baltic States to come together, to look at how and in what directions DH has developed in our countries, to reflect on what is relevant today and to project what lies ahead in the near future.

The Baltic DH Forum spans two days, with the first day hosting sessions by speakers from Baltic DH communities and European infrastructures. The second day focuses on networking, presenting DH projects, digital tools, and educational initiatives, complemented by workshops on collaborative projects and fundraising strategies.

Apply now for participation in the Baltic DH Forum's "Demonstration and Networking Session" on the second day here by submitting a 200–250-word abstract in one of 3 categories – DH resource or tool, a Research Project, or an Educational initiative. Submissions across diverse areas related to digital humanities are encouraged!

The Baltic DH Forum is a collaborative effort organized in partnership with DARIAH-EU and CLARIN ERIC, led by the program committee comprised of researchers from all three Baltic countries. The event is financially supported by the Language Technology Initiative, funded by the European Union and the National Development Plan and the project "Towards Development of Open and FAIR Digital Humanities Ecosystem in Latvia" (VPP-IZM-DH-2022/1-0002) funded by the Latvian Council of Science.