The 6th Baltic Summer School of Digital Humanities (BSSDH 2024) "Large Language Models and Small Languages" took place at Riga on July, 22-26. The summer school was supported by CLARIN ERIC.Image

Normunds Grūzītis and Artūrs Znotiņš  presenting at the workshop "Creating and Analysing Multilingually Comparable Text Corpora"

The CLARIN ERIC supported keynote of Javier de la Rosa from the the Artificial Intelligence Lab at the National Library of Norway about the large language models and artificial intelligence at the National Library of Norway. This lecture demonstrated innovative applications of AI within the context of Norway's national repository of knowledge and cultural heritage, from enhancing cataloging to improving accessibility.

At the summer school CLARIN-LV team was responsible for workshop "Creating and Analysing Multilingually Comparable Text Corpora".  During the workshop participants explored methods and pipelines for transforming an unstructured text collection into a grammatically annotated text corpus.  The workshop emphasized the use of Universal Dependencies for uniform annotations, facilitating queries and linguistic analysis across multilingual corpora, such as ParlaMint.